"Тасжарған" газеті

50 мың данамен шығып келген оппозициялық "Тасжарған" газеті, тәуелсіз басылымның алғашқы қарлығаштарының бірі. - 50 мың данамен шығып келген оппозициялық "Тасжарған" газеті, тәуелсіз басылымның алғашқы қарлығаштарының бірі.

Kazakhstan - Ermurat Bali, reader of newspaper ''Taszhargan'', Almaty, 10Mar2009 - IMG_2107.jpg. Ермурат Бапи - главный читатель газеты "Тасжарган". Считает что в деле с "Тасжарганом" есть политический мотив. Алматы, 10 марта 2009 года

Kazakhstan - the participants of protest action for press freedom hold poster with parliament member Romin Madinov, Almaty, 24Jun2009 - Участники акции протеста в защиту СМИ держат в руках плакат с изображением депутата Ромина Мадинова, выигравшего иск в суде против газеты "Тасжарган" на сумму 30 миллионов тенге. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - Bakhytgul Makimbay, deputy head of Kazakh independent newspaper "Taszharghan" talking to reporters after shots were fired through the windows of the newspaper’s office, Almaty, 01Apr2008 - Kazakh police are investigating who fired shots through the windows of the independent newspaper "Taszharghan" earlier this week in Almaty. The newspaper regularly reports about the alleged misdeeds of government officials -- angering many state employees. The head of the newspaper suspects the action is related to stories that the paper has run about government officials, though he says he is sure the official version of events will attribute the deed to hooligans.

Kazakhstan - a policemen took off a posters from participants of protest action for press freedom. Almaty, 24Jun2009

Kazakhstan – Journalist Gulzhanat Shonabay in court. She is charged in incitement of national enmity. Almaty, 21Nov2008 - Journalist Gulzhanat Shonabay under Article 164 p 2 “Incitement of National Enmity”. The charges stemmed from articles “Why did two Uigur men kill Kazakh man?” and “Snotty Kazakh people of Malybay grieve from their feebleness”. These articles were published on July 09 and 16, 2008 in column “Events” in the newspaper “Taszhargan”.

Kazakhstan - the participant of protest action for press freedom. Almaty, 24June2009 - Участник акции протеста в защиту свободы слова. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - Azat party activists on protest action for press freedom. Almaty, 24June2009 - Сторонники партии "Азат" держат в руках плакат с надписью "Азат против давления на СМИ". Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - Bolat Abilov, a leader of “Azat” (“Freedom”) Party. On protest action for press freedom. Almaty, 24Jun2009 - Болат Әбліов, "Азат" партиясының төрағасы, сөз бостандығын қорғауға арналған наразылық шарасында. Алматы, 24 маусым 2009 ж.

Kazakhstan - Tamara Kaleeva, the president of Adil Soz fund, has being participating in protest action for press freedom. Almaty. 24Jun2009 - Тамара Калеева, президент фонда защиты свободы слова “Адiл сөз”, участвует в акции протеста в защиту свободы слова. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan – Gulzhan Ergalieva, Editor-in-Chief of Kazakh Opposition Newspaper "Svoboda slova". Undated. - Гульжан Ергалиева, главный редактор газеты "Свобода слова".

Kazakhstan – Rysbek Sarsenbaiuly, editor-in-chief of independent newspaper "Zhas Alash". Almaty, 21Nov2008 - Journalist Gulzhanat Shonabay under Article 164 p 2 “Incitement of National Enmity”. The charges stemmed from articles “Why did two Uigur men kill Kazakh man?” and “Snotty Kazakh people of Malybay grieve from their feebleness”. These articles were published on July 09 and 16, 2008 in column “Events” in the newspaper “Taszhargan”.

Kazakhstan - Court against journalist Shonabay. Altay Dosumbayev, an adviser the chapter executive authority of Enbekshikazakh's area . Almaty, 21Nov2008 - Journalist Gulzhanat Shonabay under Article 164 p 2 “Incitement of National Enmity”. The charges stemmed from articles “Why did two Uigur men kill Kazakh man?” and “Snotty Kazakh people of Malybay grieve from their feebleness”. These articles were published on July 09 and 16, 2008 in column “Events” in the newspaper “Taszhargan”.

Kazakhstan - the police is watching the protest action participants. Almaty. 24Jun2009 - Полиция наблюдает за участниками акции протеста в защиты свободы слова. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - the reporter is taking a picture behind of a prosecutor and police officialls during the protest action for press freedom. Almaty. 24Jun2009 - Фотокорреспондент фотографирует участников акции протеста в защиту СМИ в присутствии прокурора и полиции. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - the police is watching the participants of protest action for press freedom. Almaty. 24Jun2009 - Полиция наблюдает за участниками акции протеста в защиту СМИ. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - a policemen took off a posters from participants of protest action for press freedom. Almaty, 24Jun2009 - Полицейские вначале отбирали плакаты у участников акции протеста в защиту свободы слова. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - the participants of protest action against of internet law with the ironic poster. Almaty, 24Jun2009 - Участники акции протеста выступали также против принятия парламентом закона о контроле интернета. На руках у участницы плакат с изображением председателя агентства по информатизации и связи Куанышбека Есекеева в одежде герцога. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - the leaders of Azat party Bolat Abilov and Petr Svoik - are going to the protest action for press freedom. Almaty, 24Jun2009 - Лидеры партии "Азат" Болат Абилов и Петр Своик идут принять участие в акции протеста в защиту СМИ. Алматы, 24 июня 2009 года.

Kazakhstan - Kazakh Government House. Astana, undated - Қазақстан - Үкімет үйі. Астана, түсірілген уақыты белгісіз

Kazakhstan - President Nursultan Nazarbaev with the heads of law and special services, undated - Kazakhstan - President Nursultan Nazarbaev with the heads of law and special services (photo from the official site of the Ak Orda)

Kazakhstan - President Nursultan Nazarbaev at a forum against corruption, Astana, 07Nov2008 - Қазақстан президенті Н. Назарбаев жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес форумында. Астана, 7 қараша, 2008 жыл

Kazakhstan -- Journalist Sergey Duvanov and other protersters detained in Almaty on 24may2007 - Kazakhstan, Almaty -- Journalist Sergey Duvanov and others are detained as they protest in Almaty on 24may2007 against the passage of constitutional amendments that include a clause allowing President Nursultan Nazarbaev an unlimited number of terms in office. (RFE/RL Kazakh Service)